Katherine Hauswirth’s nonfiction centers on nature, ecology, literature, and contemplation. Her award-winning Book of Noticing--essays on nature--was released via Homebound Publications in May 2017.
Remembering the Tenders
Reflecting nature piece written around the memorial bench for tenders of wild orchids at a local cemetery.
Big Brother Blue Jay
An essay on time in nature with unexpected connections.
Wading into Mystery
An immersive essay from the perspective of a local memorial bench.
This essay describes time spent on Mourning Benches with a Mount Auburn Cemetery artist in residence.
Rare and Wondrous: Seeking, Finding, and Preserving Connecticut's Old Growth
Piece on the waning old growth in Connecticut and the importance of preserving it.
The Way in the Woods: A Week with Edwin Way Teale
Reflections on nature writing residency at Trail Wood, CT , in Connecticut Woodlands magazine
On Vistas, Voles, and Volition
An essay inspired by my Acadia National Park residency.
Humanity and its big questions, unexpectedly provoked by amateur birding attempts.
What a Wonderful World
Article for Connecticut Outdoors supplement on the Stewart B. McKinney Wildlife Refuge
Overwintering Abundance
Final 2017 Almanac column for CT Woodlands
The Good Earth: Foraging in Connecticut
An overview of common local picks, with perspectives from foragers and a unique New Haven restaurant
Words of Wonder: Connecticut Authors Connect Kids with Nature
This piece is about an array of Connecticut kids' authors who focus on nature and natural science
Feature Article, Seasons Magazine
Drink It In: Appreciating and Protecting the Farmington River Watershed
The heroic milkweed
Article: This common plant helped keep soldiers afloat and aloft in World War II....
Here, There, Elsewhere: Stories from the Road
Book review: William Least Heat-Moon lets curiosity lead him far and wide....